XYLENE, 2500 mL
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For Histocytology and general laboratory use.
State | Liquid |
Tª Conservation | +10 / +35 ºC |
Xylene is an organic solvent that can be used for tissue processing in histological and cytological samples. The processing of samples of human origin involves several steps: fi xation, dehydration, clearing and embedding in paraffi n. These steps are sequential and aim to preserve tissue and remove all water from the tissue. The samples are fi xed with any of the available tissue fi xatives (see QCA Tissue Fixatives). The samples, once fi xed, are carefully dehydrated with descending alcohols series (Citoscann). After dehydration, the tissue is treated with an alcohol and paraffi n soluble intermediate, xylene or xylene substitute (REF. QCA 99 88 03). This step ensures that the tissue will be completely impregnated with paraffi n, and after inclusion in blocks will be cut with the microtome and used for staining.
In the clinical laboratory it is used as an agent for deparaffi nization and clearing after dehydration in staining processes.