CHLORIDE, 2 x 100 mL


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    Conformité européenne In vitro diagnostic product

    For in vitro determination of chloride in serum, plasma CSF or urine.

    State Liquid
    Storage temp. +15/ +25 ºC
    Technique Thyocyanate method


    Chloride ions from the sample react with mercury thiocyanate releasing thiocyanate ions. In the presence of ferric ions, free thiocyanate forms a colored complex which is quantifi ed by spectrophotometry.


    The chloride ion is necessary for proper metabolic functioning. It is also needed to maintain acid-base balance.

    Higher chloride values are associated with dehydration, renal disorders and cystic fi brosis. Low values can be detected in prolonged vomiting, excessive sweating and gastrointestinal disorders.

    Single test result could not be used to make a clinical diagnosis. It should integrate clinical and laboratory data.