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    Conformité européenne In vitro diagnostic product

    For in vitro diagnostic.

    State Liquid
    Storage temp. +15 / +30 ºC
    Technique Romanowsky modified stain


    The Giemsa stain belongs to the Romanowsky group of stains. It is named after Gustav Giemsa, the German chemist and bacteriologist who developed it. Romanowsky stains consist of Methylene Blue and its oxidised derivatives, basic dyes and the acidic dye, Eosin. Basic dyes bind to the acidic components of cells, nucleic acids, granules in neutrophils and acidic proteins which are stained a relatively deep red-purple colour, while eosin binds to haemoglobin, basic components of cell structures and eosinophil granules. The balance between Methylene Blue and its oxidised derivatives, and between these and Eosin, provides an essentially blue shade and a greater or lesser staining intensity, which are characteristics of each type of stain - Giemsa, May-Grünwald or Wright. This stain may be used alone or combined with the May-Grünwald stain. Its use allows the diff erential staining of blood cells. Some authors use the Giemsa stain or the May-Grünwald-Giemsa combination for the staining of parasites in blood.