TIBC, 100 tests


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    Conformité européenne In vitro diagnostic product

    For in vitro determination of total iron binding capacity in serum.

    State Powder
    Storage temp. +15 / +25ºC
    Technique FeCI3 + MgC03 method


    Excess of ferric iron (FeCl3 ) is added to the specimen to saturate the transferrin. Remaining ferric iron is absorbed on MgCO3 and discarded after centrifugation. The fixed iron which remains in the supernatant, is the total iron binding capacity (TIBC) , which is determined using the same technique as for serum iron.


    Iron is distributed in the body as part of hemoglobin and myoglobin.

    The total binding capacity of iron (TIBC) reflects the concentration in transferrin. His determination is performed in conjunction with serum iron and indicates the ability to transport iron in the blood.

    Increased TIBC may be due to iron deficiency anaemia, acute hepatitis or advanced pregnancy.

    The decrease in TIBC occurs in iron deficiency anaemia, hemochromatosis, malignant tumours and chronic infections.

    Single test result could not be used to make a clinical diagnosis. It should integrate clinical and laboratory data.